Air Filter Service in Conway, AR

Is it time to replace your air filter in your vehicle? Are you unsure if you do indeed need it changed? At MSA Customs in Conway, AR, our knowledgeable technicians can take a look and get that taken care of for you, but we still want you to know the importance of air filters and what can happen if left untreated. 

Cabin or Engine Filter?

There are two types of filter when it comes to air filters in your vehicle. There is a cabin and an engine filter. The cabin filter was created to clean the air flowing into the vehicle before you and your passengers inhale it throughout your car ride. 

An engine filter takes out the pollutants and filters out any debris buildup. The engine filter filters the engine to keep it running smoothly. 

Dirty air filter? 

If your vehicle has a dirty air filter it can and will hurt the vehicle’s longevity of life as well as it’s fuel economy. It’s crucial to get your vehicle’s air filters replaced every two years or 15,000 miles. To be sure of when you should get your air filters maintenance, be sure to look at the owner’s manual to confirm. 

How will I know? 

It can be difficult to know when to get your air filter serviced, but there a few signs. One sign is if you notice any engine weird engine noises as well as the check engine light appearing. Another sign is if there is a strong fuel smell in your vehicle as you are driving. One other sign is a decrease of gas mileage. If your air filters are dirty in your car and they are not replaced, the engine will use more gas and less air, and this will end up having the vehicle perform poorly and be less fuel efficient. 

If you’re still not sure if you need your air filter serviced, stop by MSA Customs in Conway, AR and let our technicians be the judge.

Contact us for any questions regarding air filter service.